Thursday, May 22, 2008

You Know You're Pathetic When????

You're 12yr old brother is setting you up with guys your age.....

So i was in Idaho with the family last week and i was sent into Deseret Book with Topher to pick up moms scriptures. Upon our entrance, topher turned tazmanian on me looking for "someone". So this "someone" goes5 by the name of Mr. Jinkins! Yes, everybody, he is tophers student teacher. So Mr. Jinkins (as the kids call him) or Mike knew all about me.....i just laughed and told him i was a little surprised by our set up! The best part = Topher! He was so excited to get us together that the minute we shook hands, he says to us with a big ol' smile "now you guys can get married." AWKWARD
The funny part= my mom was in on the whole thing. It was Tophers set-up but my mom supported him by driving me there and finding a reason for me to go into the store! Welcome back to Jr. High kids.....That little DEVIL.....


Sarah D said...

That is a total riot! Was he cute? Did it work???

Dani said...


anya said...

I am lovin' that story Erin!

allegra said...

last time i saw topher he was soooo little, now he's a little dude. that's hilarious. i can't wait to play w/ you in arizona! dan starts work on the 5th and we won't be moved in until like the 3rd, but we should play!

allegra said...

hahah i love how i mention "play" as if we're still 11:)

Whitney said...

ha ha ha... you failed to mention, was he cute? did you go out? or was his hard work for nothing?

Dani said...

I feel like I need to tell you that you're not pathetic, your little brother just loves you and is looking at for you! HAHAHAHA


So I'm curious too. What happened?