Friday, September 19, 2008



The Rules:
Link the Person who Tagged you.
Mention rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
Leave a comment to let them know.

1. I'm OCD, i mean we all like things the way we like things but i take this to the extreme! To me everything has its place and way it goes (i.e. toilet paper always rolls off from the top, toilet seat LID, always down (even most girls leave this up YUK), vacuum cord wrapped counter clock-wise) those are just a few examples and the worst part is that i expect everybody around me to do things the exact same way or i flip!

2. People always tell me that i'm very girly and always "done up" but those that truly know me, know that i am a "closet dirty." I never hesitate to get up in the morning and run errands in my pjs (which my family so lovingly point out are see-through), hair, nor teeth brushed and no bra! And to add insult to injury i only wash my hair about every 5 days and have been known to go 7-8 days a few times!

3. Candy, candy and more candy, I live for candy, sweats, treats, you name it! If you wanna make me happy, buy me candy! But my favorite things ever is WATERMELON BUBBLE GUM! I could chew it all day everyday and i buy it just about every trip to Walmart!

4. Halloween is my favorite holiday! I love the month of OCT, the candy, the crisp autumn air (when i lived in Utah), fright mares, little kids all dressed up and everything SpOoKy!

5. I don't do late! I think its rude, inconsiderate and have a secret hate for people think that there is really such thing a fashionably late! That's just rude people's excuse for themselves! I think that if my mom can have seven kids and still get everywhere on time and most times early, then nobody has an excuse....we're all tired and busy! So people that know me know that when i say we are leaving for dinner at 6:00pm that means we are really leaving at 5:50! I am always early!!!!!

6. I talk to my mom every single day (at least once)! My sisters can attest to this! I know that it annoys my mom and that most times she doesn't have time to talk to me, but she is a total trooper! 97.1% of the time she puts on her happy voice and says "Hey Er, how are you?" even though she knows i don't even have anything to say, i just need to hear her voice! My hardest times=when she goes out of town and out of contact! I get a little depressed and have even been known to cry!



Dani said...

So does this mean you're going to be sad this week cause mom is in Mexico until Sunday ya know!

Whitney said...

those are good things you wrote. Total erin, in a good way:) You made me remember the time we went to Frightmares with Jake Stephens and those guys. and about how funny it was that we kissed in the haunted house b/c no one knew we already had, and how you loved chris! I totally forgot about him till just now!

allegra said...

i'm such a sugar/sweet junkie. we should hit up a movie one of these days and buy all the junk food our little hearts desire..shove them in our purse acting all nonchalant during the process. game? i think it's great you talk to your mom so much.

yay! i got tagged. i'll work on it:)

Brian and Baely said...

Hey Erin! We miss you too. Good to see you have a blog so we can keep track of what's going on. We need to get all the old USU freinds together again sometime. Those were good times!

Whitney said...

I finally satisfied your tag!

Whitney said...

hey er, My friend amy sent you an email, but I don't know if I gave her the right one. Anyways, she is thinking of moving to mesa and had some questions for you.

Whitney said...

hey er, My friend amy sent you an email, but I don't know if I gave her the right one. Anyways, she is thinking of moving to mesa and had some questions for you.